Saturday, March 29, 2014


It feels like it's been a very long time since I've last posted anything. I've been busy.

The last week of February, I moved in with my mom and step-dad to save some money. It was to be for only two months. I love my parents and I know they love me, but what parents want their 31 year-old daughter living with them? But they are awesome and understand.

You see, I'm moving to Texas the first week of May. I'm SUPER excited and I can't wait to get there. The next 6 weeks cannot go fast enough if you ask me. Why am I so excited? For those of you who don't know already, my boyfriend lives there. Come middle of April, it will be a year since we've started talking and dating long distance. It's hard to date long distance. Especially when I'm in the middle of Kansas and he's in southern Texas. I miss him a lot too.

But we make the time to talk and share about our day, whether it's texting, messaging through Facebook, calling each other, or Face Timing (like Skype). He's been great in giving me ideas of places to look for jobs and apply at. When I was looking for a vehicle, he was sending me possibilities from different dealerships.

I've been checking things off of my list of what I need to get done before I move. I got a more reliable vehicle, in the process of getting new glasses and contacts, just short of my minimum goal of how much money I wanted saved (I'll have the amount needed before I move which is great), and also selling and donating items I'm not storing at my parents or taking with me.

My family has been supportive which has been great. They know how much I've thought things through and that I'm trying to be responsible. So please forgive me over the next month or two if I'm absent. I'm either busy working or moving to where my heart is.